A Prayer Shawl Ministry for Victims of Human Trafficking or to Support a Sick Friend.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry, an outreach ministry of Outlaw’s Bridge Universalist Church, began in May, 2012. Please see our Outreach/CurrrentFor more information about the Prayer Shawl Ministry that was begun in 1998 by Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo, visit their website at www.shawlministry.com.
The Grady-Outlaw Memorial
In 2003, a not-for-profit corporation was
formed to establish a library in the Albertson Community, located at the
next crossroads about three miles to our south. As a congregation
we supported this development with a cash donation and individual members
worked to assist in getting the project organized. The congregation
also worked on fund-raising ventures during and since the two-years of
planning and preparation as the library became a reality.
On the first Saturday in November, volunteers from our church sell soft drinks and water at a booth during the Annual Stew Fest that benefits the Grady-Outlaw library. We also provide a recycle program for all the plastic bottles and aluminum cans discarded during the event.
Fifth Sunday Giving
Partnership with Duplin Mediation Center Youth Court
We serve as a supervision site for Duplin County youth to work off their manditory service hours.