Unitarian Universalism is a caring, open-minded religion that encourages you to seek your own spiritual path. Our faith draws on many religious sources, welcoming people with different beliefs. We are united by shared values, not by creed or dogma. Our congregations are places where people gather to nurture their spirits and put their faith into action by helping to make our communities—and the world—a better place.
Beliefs and Values
Unitarian Universalism is a theologically diverse religion, in which members support one another in the search for truth and meaning. As members of a non-creedal religious tradition, Unitarian Universalists are free to discern their beliefs about theological and ethical issues. Individual Unitarian Universalists may also identify as Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, or with other philosophical or religious traditions.
The Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA's) Seven Principles express the shared values that UUA congregations affirm and promote.
Do you think you might be a Unitarian Universalist? There is a quiz on Beliefnet.com called the Belief-O-Matic. For fun, give it a try and see what religion fits your beliefs best.